What is double-btc?

Is an extension of double-btc as a doubler. To give an opportunity to people who wants to earn faster.

Who manages the investment portfolio?

The investment portfolio is managed by our specialists with strong team in stock market, which allows effective analysis of the situation in investments.

What do I need to do to become a client of double-btc?

To become a client of double-btc you must send your depoist to given address. Deposit, minimum of 0.001 BTC upto the maximum of 5 BTC. Also an affiliate link will be generated for your referral commissions of 10%.

How secure is your website and my account data?

We have a wide range of security measures to protect your account. Our website is protected against DDoS attacks, all transferred data are SSL-encrypted and we use a licensed script, also we are using a few of online security certificates, you are able to see most of them in our main page. Our website is located on a dedicated server.

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